Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Organic Indoor Garden: Potted Plants End of Week 2

Organically Grown Bloomsdale Spinach

    Whenever I talk about spinach, Popeye always comes up in the conversation without fail. People don't associate spinach and muscle growth for no reason. Spinach is one of the healthiest and most flavorful leafy green that everyone has the most access to. So far this has been a moderate rate of growth and the plant is keeping that keen green colour. During last spring my rate of growth was exponentially higher, I used more nitrogen outside which is what any breed of Spinach thrives off of. Here I'm using half as much nitrogen which is still a great growth rate but it could be a higher rate if I added more.

Organically Grown Flamingo Pink Swiss Chard

    This is the first time I have grown any form of Swiss Chard, I've heard and read loads of information on this. Swiss Chard is an alternative to Kale, yet with its' distinctive Collard Greens after taste. I chose Flamingo Pink just because I thought twas a fun and pretty colour to add to my garden. I planted these seeds a week later than every other plant in my Organic Indoor Garden. I actually received these seeds late from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. I wouldn't recommend buying from them, my gardening schedule is completely off this year and it is going to be until my Organic Outdoor Fall Garden that this schedule gets fixed. I have only seen pictures of this plant fully matured and it looks amazing!

Organically Grown Lacinato "Dinosaur" Kale (Italian)

    I love eating kale and I love growing kale. I use it in soups, stews, as a garnish for steak, as a side dish, with the main course, for juicing, in a salad and dehydrate it as chips. It's a wonderful leafy green and extremely healthy for you. The leaf of this plant will turn Nero or black and have a scale-like texture on the leaf which is beautiful. Lacinato or Dinosaur Kale is a winter hardy crop, I am currently growing mine in my Outdoor Organic Winter Garden with some Red Russian Kale.

Organically Grown Tronchuda Kale (Portuguese) 

    My newest breed of Kale I am growing! I'm super excited for this one. I planted these a week late as well due to some rubbish of an excuse I was given, but it's a decent growth rate. I'm hoping these guys will catch up with the rest of my plants and be on schedule. This specific breed is known for being used the most in stews and soups, which is exactly what I am going to use it for first. Eventually I will try to bake a couple of the leaves with some spices to make a crisp out of it for a hiking snack.

Organically Grown Yellow Wonder Strawberry

    This is my first time trying to grow strawberries, so I thought why not and get something different. I have read that Yellow Wonder Strawberries are small, yellowish white in colour and pack quite a punch on your palette. Some people have said that the fruit has a hint of watermelon to it and is fairly sweet. If I grow enough I want to have some with fresh Angel Cake. That is my crack people! I will definitely post a recipe once I grow enough Yellow Wonder Strawberries.

  ¤  That is it for this update guys, I hope you've enjoyed the growth and progress each plant is taking. I thank you for sharing this grow-log with me and keep on the look out for my future updates. ¤

Until next time, Keep it Green and Keep it Growing!!


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