Saturday, December 21, 2013

Indoor Garden Solo Cup Update: Start of Week 2

    How amazing is all that growth?! Look at the vibrant green showing. It is just absolutely awe inspiring that with my little effort of help, has granted these plants the ability to produce healthy and fresh energy for me to consume. I water each one once every other day, which is about when the soil starts to dry out. That in itself takes only about 5 minutes of my time! I'm quite amazed with the progress, for me this show of growth is usually between week three and week four. I am going to grow everything in these Solo Cups until about 9 weeks so the roots will be super strong and healthy for when I transplant them outside into my outdoor garden. I will eventually thin out my tomatoes and peppers to their own individual Solo Cups, in order to let the plant mature properly.

    This is by far the cheapest way to go about getting your rare herbs for your signature dishes. You normally will pay $5.99 to $8.99 for an ounce of rare cooking herbs, but if you grow them it'll cost you around $1.00 to $1.50. Not only are you saving money, you are learning about the food you use and eventually can pass on your talent to other people so they can enjoy easy access to an item that costs quite a bit for what it's really worth at the Market.

    I cannot say enough how rewarding growing your own food can be, especially since it's started in a drink cup! Ever since I planted my first tomato plant, I started growing everything I could that is edible. I share this lifestyle with my family, friends, people I meet on the street and you my readers. I bought these cups at the dollar store, and they are completely efficient. The lights I am using is an one hundred watt fluorescent lights on a ballast. The cups are about a foot away from the lights right now to promote seed growth and to enhance the sprouting rate from the heat the light gives off. These plants should look really pretty around late January to early February.

    Nothings better than being able to share my life with you guys. It's awesome. I truly love gardening it is one of my greatest passions and it brings me peace to my life. A complete stress reliever. Try gardening sometime and may you sow your rewards to reap later! Until next time...

Keep it Green and Keep it Growing!


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