Sunday, March 2, 2014



    There is a reason when we eat fruit, we as humans feel so satisfied. I honestly believe that fruit evolved to our needs as human beings. Every single time I eat a piece of fruit, I always feel so energized and good inside.

    I started noticing that I felt less tired, and had more of an attention span for all of my gardening work including writing my book. * I will let you guys know when it is almost finished so you can be on the look out for it! * There has to be a study done on the effects of fruit, regarding brain stimulation, health and overall emotions.

    I believe that fruit helped us evolve into the beings we are today, we learned to cultivate it for our needs and we also learned which fruits were best in each season. Without cultivation, societies would never really have taken place. Look throughout history, certain fruits have ACTUALLY caused wars just because of the fact of our bodies needing them.

    For example, ever hear about how Xerxes tried to conquer all of Greece? Well his true ambition was for the FIG! You read that right folks, a man decided to take a whole country to war just for the fruits that specific countries regions bore. Remember, there is a reason why fruit is so important! Until next time...



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